An Artist, A Genius ,The Machine

Akiba Rubinstein in a July 1926 interview: "Alekhine is an artist, Lasker is a genius and Capablanca is a machine." — Olimpiu G. Urcan (@olimpiuurcan) February 4, 2021     This is a reprint of the original third book, with all of the games converted into Algebraic Figurine… Continue reading

Sunday Checkers/ Dr.Emanuel Lasker

Sunday Checkers/ Dr.Emanuel Lasker: Dr. Emanuel Lasker (Dec. 24, 1868 – Jan 11, 1941) {2nd World Chess Champion 1894 to 1921} was a student of mathematics , natural sciences, philosophy and various types of games. Lasker  a first-class contract bridge player[ wrote about bridge and other games, and his own invention, Lasca. Here… Continue reading

LIFE Magazine 18 May 1942

LIFE Magazine 18 May 1942 : At it’s headquarters in Lee Chumley’s Restaurant{Greenwich Village New York City} The American Go Asscoiation Meets for it’s regular Monday.. Chess Master Edward Lasker was instrumental in developing Go in the United States, and together with Karl Davis Robinson and Lee Hartman founded the… Continue reading


When your superiority is not clearly defined,you must be satisfied with attacking at a moderate pace,advancing on your strong points,and methodically creating new ones near your opponent’s line of defense.Then the plan is everything,and the time a matter of secondary importance.Generally the “pace” of your attack must slacken down the… Continue reading