2018 FIDE women’s world chess championship match

2018 FIDE women’s world chess championship match: The challenger Ju Wenjun became the new Women’s World Champion.    Champion Tan ,Zhongyi vs Challenger Ju ,Wenjun    May 2 – 19  China : 10 games first five games held in Shanghai { Ju Wenjun is from Shanghai,}  last 5 five games held in… Continue reading

Tradewise Gibraltar Chess/Rd6

Tradewise Gibraltar Chess/Rd6: David Howell draws against Hikaru Nakamura playing the Scotch Opening.. Rd6 Nakamura(2781) – Howell(2682) 1/2 – 1/2 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nxd4 Qf6 5. Nb3 Qg6 6. Qe2 Nf6 7. f3 a5 8. Be3 d5 9. Nc3 dxe4 10. O-O-O Be7… Continue reading

FIDE Women’s World Chess Championship 2017 /Quarter Finals

FIDE Women’s World Chess Championship 2017 /Quarter Finals: UPSET: Ju,Wenjun No.1 Seed knocked out by fellow compatriot Tan, Zhongyi. Tan is now moving on to the semi finals .. Russian GM Alexandra Kosteniuk will play against Ukraine’s GM Anna Muzychuk .  Tan, Zhongyi [Event “WCh Women 2017”][Site “Tehran IRI”][Date “2017.02.21”][Round “4.2”][White “Ju,… Continue reading