04 -21- 2012
Ian Nepomniachtchi wins against Kirill Alekseenko, extends his tournament lead. #FIDECandidates pic.twitter.com/AUswh2KHJ5
— International Chess Federation (@FIDE_chess) April 21, 2021
Recruitment of T2 (strong and fun) league participants Eligibility: Those who can use the doubling cube and can make a 7p match Participation fee: 5000 yen (pay pay or bank transfer) Server: Backgammon studio 7p match delay 10 seconds, time control 14 minutes (standard setting) We will make a league match of 5 to 7 players and play the match over a month.
強く楽しくでT2ですか。良い名前やなあ。 https://t.co/DC31ObW0gR
— Michihito Kageyama (@michy_k) April 22, 2021
#Go News
So Yokoku defeated Akiyama Jiro by resignation in the first round of the 69th NHK Cup.
So will take on Iyama Yuta in the second round of the fast-go tournament.
You can view the game here (Black: So): https://t.co/oDxQwn6gzY#Igo #Baduk #囲碁
— Go Sensei (@GoSensei7) April 22, 2021
what is trump?
Trick-taking card games often place one suit, the trump suit, ahead of the others. For centuries in Whist, hearts were always the commanding, or trump suit. By contrast, in https://t.co/RYvlFmuT2w #bridgeconvention #bridgehistory— Bridge Maniac (@ManiacBridge) April 21, 2021
De slagzet van de dag is https://t.co/ZR1pTIO8Do
— slagzet.com (@slagzetcom) April 22, 2021
From the final of the 2nd Six Emperor Battle. It is a good play of shogo…
第2回六皇戦の決勝から。shogoさんの好プレイです。 pic.twitter.com/bSDLYLhFUL
— Michihito Kageyama (@michy_k) April 22, 2021
Othello (Reversi) and NineBreak ® Then? For 4×4 One Othello Master said, “It’s been proven that the second player will definitely win!” But nine break ® Then, there is a way to win even if you are on the play! It’s about using “non-inverted hands”! “interesting!” Please challenge!
オセロ (リバーシ) と ナインブレイク® では?
4×4 の場合
でも、ナインブレイク® では、“先手” でも勝てる方法があります!
それは、“裏返さない手” を使うことです!
チャレンジしてみてください! pic.twitter.com/9f0Yu9u4VV
— NineBreak (@nine_break) April 22, 2021