Candidates Tournament 2020 / Round 6

All Images Courtesy Of Derrick Bartotto



There were two decisive games in the sixth round of the 2020 Candidates Tournament.  Nepomniachtchi is now a full point in the lead.





[Event “Candidates Chess Tournament 2020”]
[Site “?”]
[Date “2020.03.23”]
[Round “6”]
[White “Nepomniachtchi, Ian”]
[Black “Ding, Liren”]
[Result “1-0”]
[PlyCount “79”]
[EventDate “2020.03.17”]
[SourceDate “2020.03.23”]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O Be7 6. d3 b5 7. Bb3 d6 8. a3 O-O 9. Nc3 Na5 10. Ba2 Be6 11. b4 Bxa2 12. Rxa2 Nc6 13. Bg5 Qd7 14. Bxf6 Bxf6 15. Nd5 a5 16. Rb2 axb4 17. axb4 Bd8 18. c4 Nd4 19. Nxd4 exd4 20. Qc2 Re8 21. g3 bxc4 22. Qxc4 c6 23. Nf4 Bg5 24. Ne2 d5 25. exd5 cxd5 26. Qb3 h5 27. b5 h4 28. b6 h3 29. Kh1 Reb8 30. Rfb1 Bd8 31. Qb5 Qg4 32. Qxd5 Ra5 33. Qc6 Rc5 34. Qe8+ Kh7 35. Ng1 Rxb6 36. Qxd8 Rxb2 37. Rxb2 Rc1 38. Qh4+ Qxh4 39. gxh4 Rd1 40. f3 1-0
Final Position
[Event “Candidates Chess Tournament 2020”]
[Site “?”]
[Date “2020.03.23”]
[Round “6”]
[White “Alekseenko, Kirill”]
[Black “Giri, Anish”]
[Result “0-1”]
[PlyCount “196”]
[EventDate “2020.03.17”]
[SourceDate “2020.03.23”]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. O-O Nf6 5. d3 d6 6. c3 O-O 7. Re1 a5 8. Nbd2 Be6 9. Bb5 Ba7 10. Nf1 Ne7 11. Ng3 c6 12. Ba4 Ng6 13. h3 d5 14. exd5 Nxd5 15. Bc2 Qc7 16. d4 exd4 17. Nxd4 Rae8 18. Bg5 Ndf4 19. Qd2 Bd5 20. Rxe8 Rxe8 21. Re1 Re5 22. Bxf4 Rxe1+ 23. Qxe1 Qxf4 24. Qe8+ Nf8 25. Bb3 Bxd4 26. cxd4 Bxb3 27. axb3 Qf6 28. Qe4 g6 29. Ne2 Ne6 30. h4 h5 31. g3 Qd8 32. Qe5 Qb6 33. d5 cxd5 34. Qxd5 Kf8 35. Nc3 Qc7 36. Ne4 Qc1+ 37. Kg2 Qxb2 38. Qd7 b6 39. Nd6 Qf6 40. Qe8+ Kg7 41. Qd7 Kg8 42. Qe8+ Nf8 43. Qc6 Qd8 44. Nc4 Ne6 45. Nxb6 Nd4 46. Qc5 Nxb3 47. Qb5 Nd2 48. Qxa5 Qd3 49. Qa1 Qe4+ 50. Kg1 Nf3+ 51. Kf1 Nxh4 52. Qa8+ Qxa8 53. Nxa8 Nf3 54. Kg2 Ne5 55. f4 Ng4 56. Nb6 Kf8 57. Nd5 Ke8 58. Nc3 Ke7 59. Ne4 Ne3+ 60. Kf3 Nc4 61. Ng5 Kf6 62. Ne4+ Kf5 63. Nf2 Nd2+ 64. Ke3 Nf1+ 65. Kf3 Nh2+ 66. Kg2 Ng4 67. Nh3 f6 68. Kf3 Ke6 69. Ke4 Kd6 70. Ng1 Kc5 71. Kd3 Nh6 72. Ke3 Nf5+ 73. Kf3 Kc4 74. Nh3 Nd4+ 75. Ke3 Nf5+ 76. Kf3 Kd4 77. Nf2 Nd6 78. Nh3 Ne4 79. Ng1 Kd3 80. Kg2 Nd2 81. Kf2 Ke4 82. Ne2 Nb1 83. Ng1 h4 84. Nh3 Kf5 85. gxh4 Kg4 86. f5 gxf5 87. Ke3 Nc3 88. Nf2+ Kg3 89. Nd3 Nd5+ 90. Kd4 Nf4 91. Nc5 Kxh4 92. Ke3 Kg3 93. Nb3 Ne6 94. Nd2 f4+ 95. Ke2 Ng5 96. Kf1 f3 97. Kg1 f2+ 98. Kf1 f5 0-1
Final Position


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