Tata Steel 2013 / Round 11

Anish Giri

Anish Giri from the Netherlands won his first game of the tournament by pulling off a crush against Fabiano Caruana.  Caruana may well be flagging from the duration and strength of the tournament.  Some “critic” said, “Oh – so that’s what happens when these ‘kids’ get out of book.”  I can’t speak to that, but Caruana is unrecognizable here.  In the final position (Diagram) he’s up a Pawn, but that’s off the board; on the board it is absolutely hopeless.  He could see the descending attack and decided to not see the finish.

Click on the board to step through the game.

For the remaining decisive games – See Comments.

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One Comment

  1. [Event “75th Tata Steel Chess Group A”]
    [Site “Wijk aan Zee”]
    [Date “2013.01.25”]
    [Round “11”]
    [White “Leko, Peter”]
    [Black “Van Wely, Loek”]
    [Result “1-0”]
    [ECO “B76”]
    [WhiteElo “2735”]
    [BlackElo “2679”]
    [PlyCount “139”]
    [EventDate “2013.??.??”]
    [EventCountry “NED”]

    1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 g6 6. Be3 Bg7 7. f3 Nc6 8. Qd2 O-O 9. O-O-O d5 10. exd5 Nxd5 11. Nxc6 bxc6 12. Bd4 Bxd4 13. Qxd4 Qb6 14. Na4 Qc7 15. Bc4 Rd8 16. Bb3 Be6 17. Nc5 Nf4 18. Nxe6 Nxe6 19. Qe3 Nf4 20. g3 Nd5 21. Qg5 e6 22. Rhe1 a5 23. a4 Rab8 24. Qe5 Qxe5 25. Rxe5 Rb4 26. Re4 Rdb8 27. Rdd4 R4b6 28. Rc4 Kf8 29. Rc5 Ra8 30. Re5 h5 31. h4 Kg7 32. Bc4 Kf6 33. f4 Ra7 34. b3 Ra8 35. Kb2 Ra7 36. Ka3 Ra8 37. Kb2 Ra7 38. c3 Ra8 39. Kc2 Ra7 40. Kb2 Ra8 41. Bxd5 cxd5 42. c4 dxc4 43. Rxc4 Ra7 44. Rb5 Rba6 45. Rcc5 Ke7 46. Kc3 Kd6 47. Kd4 f6 48. Rb8 Rc7 49. Rxc7 Kxc7 50. Rg8 Rd6+ 51. Ke4 Rb6 52. Rxg6 Rxb3 53. Rxf6 Kd7 54. Rg6 Ke7 55. Rg5 Kf6 56. Rxa5 Rxg3 57. Rxh5 Ra3 58. a5 Ra4+ 59. Kf3 Ra1 60. Rg5 Rf1+ 61. Kg3 Rg1+ 62. Kf2 Ra1 63. h5 Ra3 64. Kg2 Ra2+ 65. Kg3 Ra1 66. h6 Rh1 67. a6 Rxh6 68. a7 Rh8 69. Ra5 Ra8 70. Kf3 1-0

    [Event “75th Tata Steel Chess Group A”]
    [Site “Wijk aan Zee”]
    [Date “2013.01.25”]
    [Round “11”]
    [White “Nakamura, Hikaru”]
    [Black “Aronian, Levon”]
    [Result “0-1”]
    [ECO “D45”]
    [WhiteElo “2769”]
    [BlackElo “2802”]
    [PlyCount “96”]
    [EventDate “2013.??.??”]
    [EventCountry “NED”]

    1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. e3 e6 5. Nf3 a6 6. c5 Nbd7 7. Na4 b5 8. cxb6
    Nxb6 9. Bd2 Nxa4 10. Qxa4 Bd7 11. Qc2 Qb6 12. Rc1 Rb8 13. Bd3 Qxb2 14. O-O Bd6 15. Ne5 Qxc2 16. Rxc2 c5 17. Nxd7 Nxd7 18. Bxa6 c4 19. a4 Bb4 20. Bc1 Nf6 21. f3 O-O 22. e4 Ne8 23. Bb5 Rb6 24. Bf4 Nd6 25. Rb1 Ba5 26. Kf1 f6 27. Rcb2 Rfb8 28. h4 c3 29. Re2 e5 30. dxe5 Nxb5 31. axb5 d4 32. Rd1 Rxb5 33. Rc2 d3 34. Rxd3 Rb1+ 35. Bc1 R8b2 36. Rcxc3 Bxc3 37. Rxc3 Rd2 38. Rc8+ Kf7 39. Rc7+ Ke6 40. exf6 gxf6 41. Kg1 Rd1+ 42. Kh2 Rbxc1 43. Rxh7 Rd7 44. Rh6 Rcc7 45. Rh8 Rh7 46. Re8+ Kf7 47. Ra8 Rxh4+ 48. Kg3 Rh1 0-1

    [Event “75th Tata Steel Chess Group A”]
    [Site “Wijk aan Zee”]
    [Date “2013.01.25”]
    [Round “11”]
    [White “Karjakin, Sergey”]
    [Black “Sokolov, Ivan”]
    [Result “1-0”]
    [ECO “C78”]
    [WhiteElo “2780”]
    [BlackElo “2667”]
    [PlyCount “63”]
    [EventDate “2013.??.??”]
    [EventCountry “NED”]

    1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O b5 6. Bb3 Bb7 7. d3 Bc5 8. Nc3
    d6 9. a3 h6 10. Be3 O-O 11. Ba2 Rb8 12. Ne2 Bc8 13. Ng3 Bb6 14. c3 Re8 15. d4 Bg4 16. Qd3 Bxf3 17. gxf3 Ne7 18. Kh1 Qd7 19. f4 Qh3 20. f3 exf4 21. Bxf4 Ng6 22. Be3 c5 23. Rf2 Nh5 24. Rg1 c4 25. Qd2 Bd8 26. Nxh5 Qxh5 27. Bb1 Bh4 28. Rff1 d5 29. e5 Rb6 30. f4 f5 31. Qg2 Rd8 32. Bc2 1-0

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