[algebraic notation 1. Che3 ..]
Black finds a tempo goes up an exchange, then executes a major offensive with precision.
Move 35. Hf5 Hg5 (Black’s Horse is attacking the Cannon. Red Moves out of the attack but in the next move the downward spiral begins..)
Red Move 36. Cg3 Black Move 36. … Hf3 !
Red is now unable to move the Elephant without being in check with the Horse Black just moved on f3.
The Cannon on c3 is pinned by Black’s Horse who awaits check if the Cannon is moved.
Black is also attacking the Cannon with the Rook on f1 . [Cannons protected each other until this intrusion]
With Black slipping in between.. its forcing the exchange, Red does have options on how to proceed. Choosing to take the Horse with the Advisor opens more space for the General. The Cannon on f3 is now hanging and will soon be captured.
Red Move 37 . AxH Before Black takes the Cannon check is called 37. …Rc2+
38.Gd1 RxC ……….. Now Black is threating Check Mate.
Red takes Flight 39. Ge1 Rc1+ 40.Ge2 Rc2 + Black clearly on the high ground..makes way for the another piece , finally the Horse is on the move.
41. Ge1 Ha3 .. Black is now threating Check and getting closer to securing the game.
42. Hh6 Hb1+ 43.Ec1 Hc3 [Check with the Cannon]
44. Ea3 Rc1# ..Red is now in check mate the Elephant is unable to capture the Rook because of the Cannon on a1.(It’s calling check as well)
Red’s Alternate Variation : ” Desperate Trick”
Open the file for the Rook while moving and capturing with the Horse –
37. Horse takes the Soldier on e7 … Black’s Move 37. RxC
Red Recaptures ..setting a trap on Move 38. RxH . If Black gets careless he could fall for 39. Rf1 +!! AxR 40. CxR [OUCH] there goes winning chances..
Eliminating any hope: Move 38 Black ‘s Rook moves horizontally one point, Rb3 and now Red’s General is in check with the Horse on c4. A move that buys Black time escaping any threats and continues with the offensive..
39.Gd1 Rb1+ 40.Ec1 RxE #
Move 38 Alternate Variation ..Black to Move
38. … Rb2 check
39.Red’s General goes up or down one point.[d1 or d3] Black plays Rd2 Mate