Sunday Night Post August 2021

Sunday Night Post August 2021


When his henchmen deserted, the governor was gone.

Jonathan Tobin

Cuomo falls




[Event “GameKnot Blitz”]
[Time: 3 min + 10 sec]
[Date “2021.08.29”]
[Round “-“]
[White “bart777”]
[Black “thebutz”]2036
[Result “1-0”]

1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Bf5 4. g4 Bg6 5. h4 h6 6. Bd3 Bxd3 7. Qxd3 e6 8. Bd2 c5 9. c3 Nc6 10. Nf3 Qb6 11. b3 cxd4 12. cxd4 Bb4 13. Nc3 Nge7 14. O-O Ng6 15. h5 Nge7 16. Na4 Qa5 17. Rac1 Bxd2 18. Nxd2 Nb4 19. Qb1 O-O 20. Rc5 Qd8 21. a3 b6 22. Rc3 Nbc6 23. Qd3 Qd7 24. Nb2 Rfc8 25. f4 Na5 26. Rfc1 Rxc3 27. Rxc3 Rc8 28. b4 Rxc3 29. Qxc3 Qc6 30. Nd1 Qxc3 31. Nxc3 Nac6 32. Nf3 a6 33. Kf2 Kf8 34. Ke3 Ke8 35. Nh4 b5 36. f5 Nc8 37. Ne2 Nb6 38. fxe6 fxe6 39. Nf4 Kf7 40. Nhg6 Nc4+ 41. Kd3 Nxa3 42. Nh8+ Ke7 43. Nhg6+ Kf7 44. Kc3 Nc4 45. Nd3 Ne3 46. Nc5 Nb8 47. Nb7 Nxg4 48. Nd6+ Kg8 49. Ne7+ Kf8 50. Ng6+ Kg8 51. Nf4 Nf2 52. Nxe6 Ne4+ 53. Nxe4 dxe4 54. d5 Nd7 55. Kd4 e3 56. Nf4 e2 57. Nxe2 g5 58. hxg6 Kg7 59. Nf4 Nf8 60. d6 Nd7 61. Kd5 h5 62. Ke6 Nb6 63. Nxh5+ Kxg6 64. Nf4+ Kg5 65. Nd5 1-0

About Bart7

Chess enthusiast and wanna be blogger ..Supporter of God,Family,USA and Gaming. Long live the Q.G.and Freedom.[GTh:77]
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