Library/Game Room

   1880 Ste. Genevieve home slowly being restored .. Just finished my Library/Game Room.


 The Russian Chess Clock is from the 1950s beneath is a vintage Backgammon board on or about the same era.


Colonial Chess / Modern Sophistication of Backgammon..

Books … yes I read them. Hidden under the giant volume of Chess[Polgar] is thee old Cribbage Board.

The Go board is leaning along side the cabinet..


Game 2 World Championship [Nov. 9 2014] Carlsen – Anand .. Black to Move  [28. … b5]

Draughts/Checker Play ..


About Bart7

Chess enthusiast and wanna be blogger ..Supporter of God,Family,USA and Gaming. Long live the Q.G.and Freedom.[GTh:77]
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    [Event “World Chess Championship 2014”][Site “Sochi”][Date “2014.11.09”][Round “2”][White “Carlsen, Magnus”][Black “Anand, Viswanathan”][Result “1-0”][WhiteElo “2863”][BlackElo “2792”][ECO “C65”][TimeControl “0”]1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nf6 4. d3 Bc5 5. O-O d6 6. Re1 O-O 7. Bxc6 bxc6 8. h3 Re8 9. Nbd2 Nd7 10. Nc4 Bb6 11. a4 a5 12. Nxb6 cxb6 13. d4 Qc7 14. Ra3 Nf8 15. dxe5 dxe5 16. Nh4 Rd8 17. Qh5 f6 18. Nf5 Be6 19. Rg3 Ng6 20. h4 Bxf5 21. exf5 Nf4 22. Bxf4 exf4 23. Rc3 c5 24. Re6 Rab8 25. Rc4 Qd7 26. Kh2 Rf8 27. Rce4 Rb7 28. Qe2 b5 29. b3 bxa4 30. bxa4 Rb4 31. Re7 Qd6 32. Qf3 Rxe4 33. Qxe4 f3+ 34. g3 h5 35. Qb7 1-0

  2. Beautiful library and play room.
    Good For You !

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