Breaking Even

 I am drawing the conclusion that breaking even seems to be the theme in Chess as of late..

So I am submitting 2 of my games played from this weekend’s event held at the Stl. Chess Club .

I finished with a score of 3/6 [2W 2D 2L] Time Control  1:30 ..


From my point of view this is what it looks like when peace breaks out..

Round 2  Board 6  U2000

After Black moves the Queen .. what is White’s Best Move

       Bartotto (1638) – Vakil (1850)

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 a6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Bd3 e5 6. Nf3 d5 7. Qe2 dxe4 8. Bxe4 Nxe4 9. Qxe4 Nc6 10. O-O Bd6 11. Nc3 O-O 12. Bg5 f6 13. Qd5+ kh8 14. Bh4 Qe7 15. Rad1 Rd8 16. a3 Bxa3 17. Qb3 Bd6 18. Nd5 Qe6 19. Rfe1 Qg8 20. Qe3 Be6 21. Nxf6 Qf8 22. Ne4 Rd7 23. Nxd6 Rxd6 24. Nxe5 Re8 25. Rxd6 Qxd6 26. Nf7+ Bxf7 27. Qxe8+ Bg8 28. Bg3 Qb4 29. b3 Nd4 30. Qe4 Qd2 31. Bf4 Qb4 32. Rc1 Qc5 33. Be3 Ne2+ 34. Kf1 Qh5 35. Re1 Nc3 36. Qf4 Qb5+ 37. Kg1 Ne2+ 38. Rxe2 Qxe2 39. h4 Qxc2 40. h5 Qd1+ 41. Kh2 Qxh5+ 42. Kg3 Qg6+ 43. Kh2 Qh5+ 44. Kg3 Qg6+..

…What is White’s best move ?



My next opponent teenager Ryan Duan from Kansas  I was to be his last game .  He dropped out early , missing rounds 5 and 6 to beat the weather..

“1700 -1900” scholastic players … play fast and tricky.  I was doing everything I could not to let my guard down..

Round 4 Board 5  U2000

    Bartotto (1638) -Duan (1751) 

1. c4 Nf6 2. g3 g6 3. d4 c5 4. d5 d6 5. Nc3 Bg7 6. e4 a6 7. Qc2 e6 8. Bg2 exd5 9. exd5 O-O 10. Nge2 Bf5 11. Qd1 Bg4 12. O-O Bxe2 13. Qxe2 Re8 14. Qd3 Nbd7 15. Bf4 Ne5 16. Bxe5 Rxe5 17. Rfe1 Qe7 18. Rxe5 Qxe5 19. h3 Re8 20. Rd1 Nh5 21. Ne4 f5 22. Ng5 Bf6 23. Ne6 f4 24. g4 Ng7 25. b3 Re7 26. Qd2 Bg5 27. Bf3 b6 28. Re1 Qf6 29. Re4 kh8 30. Qe2 Nxe6 31. Rxe6 Rxe6 32. dxe6 kg7 33. Qe4 Qe5 34. Qb7+ kh6 35. Qf7 Bf6 36. Kh2 Qb2 37. Qf8+ Bg7 38. Qxf4+ g5 39. Qe3 Bd4 40. Qe2 Qxe2 41. Bxe2 kg7 42. Kg2 kf6 43. Bd3 ke6 44. Bxh7 b5 45. f3 ke5 1/2-1/2


What is the Best play for Black..




About Bart7

Chess enthusiast and wanna be blogger ..Supporter of God,Family,USA and Gaming. Long live the Q.G.and Freedom.[GTh:77]
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One Comment

  1. THANKSGIVING OPEN (201811256892)
    Location: SAINT LOUIS, MO 63108
    Event Date(s) 2018-11-23 thru 2018-11-25

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