Happy Election Day.. USA!!
[Event “GameKnot Blitz”]
[Site “http://gameknot.com/”]
[Date “2020.11.03”]
[Time: 3 min + 10 sec]
[White “bart777”]564
[Black “gazumper”]2034
[Result “1-0”]
1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 d6 4. Bc4 g5 5. h4 g4 6. Ng5 Nh6 7. d4 f6 8. Bxf4 fxg5 9. Bxg5 Qd7 10. O-O Bg7 11. Bxh6 Bxh6 12. Bf7+ Qxf7 13. Rxf7 Kxf7 14. Nc3 c6 15. e5 d5 16. Qf1+ 1-0
EmpireWire cartoon: How #Trump plays three dimensional chess. #Election2020 pic.twitter.com/YZw0CQfaQK
— Marquil (@EmpireWireNY) July 31, 2020
Look how the wayward a4-knight is repositioned to bring about a deadly combination! (Peter Leko-Veselin Topalov, FIDE Championship, San Luis, 2005.)https://t.co/V04c4RTU8m pic.twitter.com/nv6TVyYPI9
— Chessable (@chessable) November 4, 2020
Can you identify the tournament and all the players in this photograph? pic.twitter.com/piD0cCVXgI
— Olimpiu G. Urcan (@olimpiuurcan) November 4, 2020
De slagzet van de dag is https://t.co/MTLkIpCEJI
— slagzet.com (@slagzetcom) November 4, 2020