Fide Women’s World Championship 2018 November 1-25 Khanty-Mansiysk ,Ugra Russia
There are 64 qualifiers (in order of priority):
- The winner, the runner up and the two other semi-finalists of the Women’s World Championship 2016 (4 players)
- The World Junior Girl Champions U-20 of 2016 & 2017. (2 players)
- The five best rated players from the average of the FIDE rating lists (5 players).
- Fifty-one qualifiers from the Women’s Continental Championships and Zones (51 players).
- Two nominees of the FIDE President (2 players)
Tournament format
There shall be five rounds of matches, comprising two games per round, with the winners progressing to the next round. The 6th (final) round shall be played over four games and the winner will be declared Women’s World Champion.
For rounds 1-5, each match shall be played over two games and the winner of every match shall be the first player to score 1.5 or more points. The final match, or round 6, shall be played over four games and the winner of the match shall be the first player to score 2.5 or more points.
Round 2 Results..
Ju Wenjun | (CHN) | 1-0 | Krush Irina | (USA) |
Zawadzka Jolanta | (POL) | ½-½ | Koneru Humpy | (IND) |
Lagno Kateryna | (RUS) | ½-½ | Hoang Thanh Trang | (HUN) |
Bodnaruk Anastasia | (RUS) | 0-1 | Muzychuk Anna | (UKR) |
Kosteniuk Alexandra | (RUS) | ½-½ | Ni Shiqun | (CHN) |
Galliamova Alisa | (RUS) | 1-0 | Goryachkina Aleksandra | (RUS) |
Muzychuk Mariya | (UKR) | 0-1 | Atalik Ekaterina | (TUR) |
Tokhirjonova Gulrukhbegim | (UZB) | ½-½ | Tan Zhongyi | (CHN) |
Gunina Valentina | (RUS) | ½-½ | Ushenina Anna | (UKR) |
Socko Monika | (POL) | 0-1 | Alinasab Mobina | (IRI) |
Dzagnidze Nana | (GEO) | ½-½ | Lei Tingjie | (CHN) |
Khotenashvili Bela | (GEO) | ½-½ | Harika Dronavalli | (IND) |
Stefanova Antoaneta | (BUL) | ½-½ | Saduakassova Dinara | (KAZ) |
Zhu Jineer | (CHN) | 1-0 | Pogonina Natalija | (RUS) |
Abdumalik Zhansaya | (KAZ) | ½-½ | Zhao Xue | (CHN) |
Zhai Mo | (CHN) | 1-0 | Batsiashvili Nino | (GEO) |
Current Women’s World Chess Champion Ju Wenjun ready to fight to keep her crown..
Rd2 G1 Ju, Wenjun(2568) – Krush, Irina(2434) 1-0
1. d4 d5 2. c4 dxc4 3. e4 e5 4. Nf3 Bb4+ 5. Nc3 exd4 6. Qxd4 Qxd4 7. Nxd4 Nf6 8. f3 Bc5 9. Be3 Nc6 10. Nc2 Bxe3 11. Nxe3 Be6 12. Bxc4 Bxc4 13. Nxc4 O-O-O 14. Rd1 Nd7 15. Ke2 Nde5 16. Nxe5 Nxe5 17. f4 Nc6 18. Ke3 f6 19. h4 Rxd1 20. Rxd1 Rd8 21. Rc1 Rd7 22. g4 h6 23. Nd5 Ne7 24. Nxe7+ Rxe7 25. f5 Kd8 26. g5 hxg5 27. hxg5 fxg5 28. Rg1 Ke8 29. Rxg5 Kf7 30. Rg2 Rd7 31. e5 Rd1 32. Kf4 Rf1+ 33. Kg5 Ke7 34. e6 c6 35. Kg6 Rf3 36. b4 a6 37. Rd2 Rg3+ 38. Kh7 Rg5 39. Rd7+ Ke8 40. Rxb7 Rxf5 41. Kxg7 Rf4 42. Kg6 Kd8 43. Kg5 Rf2 44. a4 Rf1 45. a5 Rf2 46. Rd7+ Ke8 47. Rc7 Kd8 48. Rxc6 Rb2 49. Rb6 Ke7 50. Kf5 1-0
64 move Draw ….
Rd2 G1 Khotenashvili, Bela (2477) – Harika, Dronavalli (2498)
1. d4 Nf6 2. Bg5 g6 3. Bxf6 exf6 4. e3 d5 5. c4 dxc4 6. Bxc4 Bd6 7. Nc3 c6 8. Nf3 Qe7 9. h3 O-O 10. a3 Nd7 11. O-O Nb6 12. Bd3 Be6 13. Ne4 c5 14. dxc5 Bxc5 15. Nxc5 Qxc5 16. Nd4 Rfd8 17. Nxe6 fxe6 18. Qe2 Qe7 19. Rac1 Rac8 20. Be4 Rxc1 21. Rxc1 Nc8 22. Bb1 Nd6 23. Ba2 Kg7 24. Qg4 e5 25. Qe6 Qxe6 26. Bxe6 Ne8 27. e4 Kf8 28. Bd5 b6 29. h4 Ke7 30. f3 f5 31. Rc6 Rd6 32. Rc8 Nf6 33. Bb7 f4 34. Rc2 h6 35. Bc8 a5 36. Kf2 Kd8 37. Ba6 g5 38. hxg5 hxg5 39. g4 Nd7 40. Rc8+ Ke7 41. Ke1 Nc5 42. Bc4 Nd3+ 43. Bxd3 Rxd3 44. Ke2 Re3+ 45. Kf2 Rb3 46. Rc2 Kd6 47. Ke2 a4 48. Kf2 b5 49. Ke2 b4 50. axb4 Rxb4 51. Kd2 Rb5 52. Kd3 Rb7 53. Kd2 Rb8 54. Ke1 Rh8 55. Rc4 Rh3 56. Ke2 Rh2+ 57. Kd3 Rxb2 58. Rxa4 Kc5 59. Kc3 Rf2 60. Ra5+ Kd6 61. Kc4 Rc2+ 62. Kd3 Rf2 63. Kc4 Rc2+ 64. Kd3 1/2-1/2
Rd2 G1 Zhu, Jiner (2379) – Pogonina, Natalija (2465) 1-0
1. e4 e5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. g3 Be7 4. Bg2 O-O 5. Nge2 c5 6. d3 d6 7. h3 Nc6 8. f4 Rb8 9. a4 a6 10. f5 h6 11. O-O b5 12. axb5 axb5 13. Nd5 Nxd5 14. exd5 Nd4 15. c3 Nxe2+ 16. Qxe2 Bb7 17. Be4 Bf6 18. h4 Re8 19. Qh5 Ra8 20. Rxa8 Bxa8 21. Kh2 c4 22. dxc4 bxc4 23. Kh3 Qa5 24. Qf3 Rb8 25. g4 Rb5 26. g5 hxg5 27. hxg5 Bd8 28. Rd1 Qa7 29. Kg3 Qb7 30. Qh5 Rxb2 31. f6 gxf6 32. Qh7+ Kf8 33. g6 Rb3 34. g7+ Ke7 35. g8=Q Rxc3+ 36. Kh2 1-0