PC⇒https://t.co/keUGsU56kw— オセロジャパン (@othellojapan) October 27, 2020
Chess's cheating crisis: 'paranoia has become the culture' #chess https://t.co/RRwEAS1Fqn
— Sah cu Ceausescu (@CeausescuIulian) October 27, 2020
Fischer is an American Chess tragedy on par with Morphy and Pillsbury. – Mig Greengard
— ChessQuotes (@chess_chat) October 27, 2020
Morphy's games are so insidiously attractive that they make powerful propaganda for Morphy's theories. – Fred Reinfeld
— ChessQuotes (@chess_chat) October 27, 2020
Liang comes back from a 0-3 start to stun Nakamura! 😲#USChessChamps https://t.co/ekSzqhfXIw pic.twitter.com/3A8SCO7Cpc
— Saint Louis Chess Club (@STLChessClub) October 27, 2020
Nakamura (2736) – Liang (2592) 0-1
1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Bf5 5. Ng3 Bg6 6. h4 h6 7. Nf3 e6 8. Bd3 Bxd3 9. Qxd3 Nf6 10. Bf4 Qa5+ 11. c3 Be7 12. Nf1 c5 13. N1d2 Qa6 14. Nc4 O-O 15. g4 Nd5 16. Be5 Nc6 17. g5 h5 18. g6 cxd4 19. Nxd4 Nxd4 20. Qxd4 Rac8 21. Ne3 Bc5 22. Qe4 Bxe3 23. fxe3 fxg6 24. Bd4 Rf5 25. a3 Rcf8 26. O-O-O Kh7 27. Rhg1 Nf6 28. Qc2 Ng4 29. e4 Rf1 30. c4 R1f3 31. e5 Rc8 32. c5 Rcf8 33. Kb1 Rf1 34. Ka2 Rxd1 35. Rxd1 Rd8 36. Rd2 Qc6 37. b4 Rd5 38. Bc3 Ne3 39. Qc1 Nf5 40. Qe1 Rxd2+ 41. Bxd2 Qd5+ 42. Kb2 Qd3 43. Bg5 Nd4 44. Qc3 Qe2+ 45. Kb1 Qxe5 46. a4 a6 47. Kb2 Qe2+ 48. Qd2 Qe4 49. Qc3 e5 50. Qc4 Qg2+ 51. Kb1 Qc6 52. a5 Nb5 53. Kc1 Qh1+ 54. Kd2 Nd4 55. Qd3 Qg2+ 56. Kc3 Qa2 57. Qd1 0-1
The Queen’s Gambit follows a young chess prodigy’s rise from an orphanage to the world stage. But genius comes with a cost. A riveting adaptation of Walter Tevis’ groundbreaking novel comes to Netflix on October 23rd, starring Anya Taylor-Joy.