What does a rating of QM mean?

QM = Quantum Master.

Basically a QM is a very strong player that deserves special recognition. 

You can earn this rating by one of 2 ways…

  • You get achieve a rating for 2000 or higher on this site
  • You have a uscf rating of 2000 or higher
  • You have a FIDE rating of 2000 or higher
  • The players on this site believe you are a strong player

By achieving this rating you will get some additional perks on the site such as:

  • You will be given access to post content.
  • Your rating will never go below 2000.
  • every month  a  QM  plays he will receive 5 bonus points up to the  rating  2500.

Get a rating of 3000 and you will be forever known as a QGM (Quantum Grand Master)

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