NEW SCHEDULE Independent 3-Move World Title Match
Independent 3-Move World Title Match: Alex Moiseyev (USA, challenger) and current 3-move World Champion, Sergio Scarpetta (Italy) have agreed to re-schedule the World Title Match.
DATE : June 8-16 (free day Friday, June 12). Match (32 games) will be hosted at the International Checkers Hall of Fame in Petal, Mississippi. Referee – Charles Walker
Originally Scheduled… March 11-19 (free day March 15). Match (32 games) .. but the “Wuhan, China virus / COVID -19 ” kept Sergio from leaving Italy..
Additional donations are needed, and checks may be sent directly to WCDF President / ACF Treasurer Richard Beckwith, 34490 Ridge Road #115, Willoughby, or make donations via Paypal on ACF Store site at under Donations & World Championship. Charles Walker said that anyone who donates $250 or more are welcome to stay for free while attending the match! Please review the ACF Forum on this WTM