Goro Hasegawa/Othello


Goro Hasegawa/Othello

Goro Hasegawa, who invented the  board game Othello, died Monday at his house in Kashiwa, Chiba Prefecture… He was 83
In 1971,  Mr. Hasegawa invented Othello based on the game of Reversi. The game grew popular in a short time and in 1973 the Japan Othello Association was established
The 1st World Othello Championship was played in Tokyo in 1977.


Aug. 4, 1997, file photo, Takeshi Murakami, the world Othello champion from Tokyo, makes a move during his first game against a computer at the NEC Research Institute Inc.{AP Photo/Daniel Hulshizer,}


Goro Hasegawa, inventor of board game Othello, dies at 83



About Bart7

Chess enthusiast and wanna be blogger ..Supporter of God,Family,USA and Gaming. Long live the Q.G.and Freedom.[GTh:77]
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  1. Steven DuCharme

    I thought Reversi & Othello were interchangeable

  2. Difference between Reversi and Othello.. article written by 2 time World Champion

    Ben Seeley http://www.worldothello.org/?q=content/reversi-versus-othello

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